Think Like A Monk-Book Summary
"Think Like a Monk" is a popular self-help book written by Jay Shetty that provides practical tips for living a more peaceful and purposeful life based on the principles of monks. The main themes and takeaways from the book are: Our search is never for a thing, but for the feeling, we think the thing will give us.-Jay Shetty, Think Like A Monk The importance of mindfulness : Shetty emphasizes the need to practice mindfulness in our daily lives to cultivate inner peace and happiness. To practice mindfulness, one can focus on their breath, body sensations, or the present moment without judgment. The benefits of mindfulness include reduced stress, improved focus and concentration, and increased overall well-being. Living with purpose : Shetty encourages readers to identify their values and purpose in life and align their actions with these values. Readers can find their purpose by exploring their passions, deals, and strengths. ...